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  • Writer's picturedtichio24

Dana Tichio - Wedding Hair Specialist

Dana is a Licensed Cosmetologist by the State of New Jersey and has been involved in all aspects of the beauty and fashion industry. She realizes the importance of listening to a brides needs and creates a relaxing environment for the big day's preparation. Her reassuring nature and attention to detail, make her brides feel at ease.

Dana has extensive experience including:

•Advanced training at Jingles Internationals.

•Advanced training under renowned style-maker Frédéric Fekkai.

•Advanced training at Sebastian Professional.

•Advanced training in Wella Colore during which she received the MASTER ARTIST certificate.

Dana's education also includes training from Goldwell, Bumble and Bumble, and Paul Mitchell. Dana specializes in cutting and dimensional highlights.

Want your hair color to look beautiful on your special day, AND in your pictures? Dana can provide you with the look you so desire from natural gray coverage to soft, multi-dimensional high lights.

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